Store relocation is a necessary reality for many establishments, whether the move is for cost reasons or to fill the needs of new, emerging markets. It’s a big undertaking, but one thing that should never be overlooked in all the chaos of relocation is retail security. Texas retailers taking on a relocation should ensure the security technology is ready to go before the move is complete – in particular, when it comes to security cameras. Here’s how to start planning.
1. Plan for the new location.
The security needs of the new site will most likely differ from that of the old one. For example, the new location has its own reputation to consider; its neighborhood safety concerns, business neighbors and perhaps residential neighbors should all factor in.
The security concerns on an alley-facing side of the building may be different from the security needs of the front, giving way to a need for additional cameras, night vision cameras, or some other advanced camera technology in the alley. That’s just one example – but in any case, “location, location, location” is more than a saying when it comes to the camera considerations of retail security. Texas store owners have to look at location first.
2. Plan for the new building.
The actual structure of the new location will also play a big role in security planning. How many entry points are on the building – are there more doors and windows than the last location, and where are they? How close is the new location to the street; is it set back behind a large parking lot, or is it directly behind a sidewalk? The answers to these questions will be important to the security provider you have enlisted to integrate your new location’s security cameras.
3. Plan ahead of time.
The time to start the security plan for a new retail space is the day the lease on the new space is signed (if not before). The security provider should be contacted ASAP so that the new location can be assessed, the technology can be installed and integrated, and the entire system can be tested well in advance of move-in day. As with anything in life, the importance of planning ahead cannot be discounted when it comes to retail security. Texas retailers can be ahead of the game on their security camera needs in a relocation project by contacting a security provider as far in advance as possible.
About RC Security Consulting
RC Security Consulting protects the heart of Texas with design, installation, retrofit, repair, inspection and monitoring of commercial security systems. We are centrally located in Collin County and provide service for almost 200 miles in all directions